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Friday, February 11, 2011

MOH: the screwfly solution

Directed by Joe (Gremlins) Dante.
Starring: Jason PriestleyKerry Norton, and Elliot Gould!

There is an epidemic of men killing women and it begins in Jacksonville, Florida,(of course). An epidemiologist, (new word for me, too) is sent in to find out what's going on. Unfortunatly, She doesn't last very long. At first, it appears that it's a bunch of violent religious fundamentalists. The madness spreads quickly.

Scientists, Priestly and Gould, believe that someone has released a toxin that confuses men's lust with violence. The only solution, chemical castration, doesn't go over too well with the men in charge. As the epidemic spreads, Priestly warns his wife and daughter to move north and not let him near them. During the journey north to 'uncle' Gould's cabin, they learn to use a gun, mom teaches daughter to drive, men quote scripture and talk about seeing angels, and they run into dear old dad.

I found a really good image from the episode, but I don't want to post a spoiler image.

As far as Masters of Horror episodes go, it's another mid-range one. Not really 'horrific', unless you are interested by gender issues, and not as good as Dante's previous installment, "Homecoming", but we'll get to that one someother time. Early in the episode, the handheld camerawork is a little distracting. The violence and gore are appropriate. It has it's moments and an interesting twist towards the end.

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