Starring: Collin Farrell, Brendon Gleason, Ralph Fiennes.
Two hitmen are sent on vacation after a hit mis-hap. Of all the places in the world that they could've been sent to, they're sent to Bruges, it's in Belgium. Collin's character of "Ray", doesn't want anything to do with the town, he even has a brief, teary tantrum in the lu after he hears that they might be there for two weeks. Brenden Gleason's "Ken" is looking forward to seeing the historic town, so much so that it seems like he's trying to distract himself.
"They're filming midgets!"
Ray happens upon a film shoot where he befriends the little man, played by the great Jordan Prentice(look him up). They venture into a night of drugged up debauchery. Ray also finds himself falling in love with a lovely girl from the film crew.
When the duo isn't sitting and waiting for the boss to call with further instructions, Ken insists that they do some sightseeing. Ray doesn't want to be in Bruges, though it seems he makes the most of it. He knows that he's there for a reason, a reason that he can't escape.
Twenty-four minutes in will break your heart.
Ray will make sense then.
Can I say much more?
I'm not really sure.
This is easily one of the best films of the first decade. It's certainly not for everyone.
It's no surprise that both Collin Ferrel and Brenden Gleason were nominated for the best actor Golden Globe for this film...{Ferrel won}....{yay!}..
Oh Yeah.... I almost forgot that Ralph Fiennes is also awesome once he shows up.
There is alot more to the story, but there's too much to go into and I don't want to ruin it for you.
This is easily at least a 9/10 if not a solid 10/10.
The end is very, very good.
I almost forgot to tell you how amazing the score was. was amazing.
Oh, and the cinematography captured every little inch of Bruges, it almost feels like the viewer has been there.